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97% of our clients would recommend us to their family and friends.


Hear more about why people love us, and CONTACT US today!

Our Success!


"Taylor is thrilled, and we are happy for him. Thanks to your services and advise, he is going to the school of his dreams. Without the advance warning and understanding of how the tuition system works, we would have never been able to achieve these results on our own. Your work is creating opportunities for many to attend schools they never dreamed they could earn acceptance to. It really demonstrates that there are ways to accomplish your dreams if you are willing to sacrifice and learn how to work within the system. Keep up the great work!" - Glenn E.


"Our 4 children got over $450,000 of Free College Money!  I tell my friends, if you do what they recommend, it really works.  If you try to do it on your own, you will loose thousands." - Gary U.


“My favorite professor guided me to Yale Law School.  Unbelievable!  You were so right -- small classes -- personal attention -- interaction with my professors – internships -- and research with two of my professors really paid off!” - Tory R.


"Wow! Kaitlin's #1 choice just informed her that she qualified for the Dean's Scholarship due to her fantastic essay. Thanks again for your guidance on her essays!" - Sue J.


"Our child is starting her second year at her dream school. I can't believe how easy you made it. In her first year, she was surprised that she got so much money; but, now in her second year, she's getting even more!" - Arlene H.


"Besides the church and family, you and Bill have had the greatest impact on our children."
- Mark K.


"Before meeting you, our student was turned off on the SAT I. You got him motivated. With your guidance, he was able to increase his score of 1930 to 2310. Now he is going to his dream school!" - Bill E.


"We can't thank you enough. We have two going to college for only $8,000 per year... and that's for both!" - Wayne S.


"My son just loves college. We are excited as parents that we only had to pay $2,000 out of the total cost of $30,000!" - Ann A.


"Thank you for showing our student the best way to go to Med School!" - Jung V.


"I wanted to thank you for making Rachel's dream a reality. I still can't believe that we are able to send Rachel to a college of this caliber. I appreciated the confidence you gave us that this could actually be done." - Jerilyn B.


"It was reassuring to know that your counsel and guidance was readily available. From our initial meeting, I was impressed with your service, and it was so helpful in charting a course that made it easy to stay focused throughout the long haul!" - Doug P.

“It’s been awhile – just wanted to touch base with you and Lana.  We can’t believe our journey – Kelly is coming home for the holidays.  Can you believe it?  She’s half way through her first year at Stanford Medical School.  We will be forever grateful!” - Cameron M.


"The great thing about College Tuition Assistance, Inc. is that we would never have known where to begin looking for scholarships, school choices, the procedures for applying for financial aid, etc.  There is so much to know.  Even with your help, we felt that we were fully occupied with things to do and deadlines to meet.  However, all of the things we were doing were moving Rachel to her goal.  We did no wheel spinning at all. That was awesome!" – Sonia H.

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